Sunset: 06:04 pm
  2526 S. Coast Hwy 101 Cardiff, CA    |    T 760-479-0721


Reopening plan for Pacific Coast Valet, Inc. (PVC)

  1. All valets are advised to stay home if they exhibit any of the symptoms with the COVID 19 virus.
  2. All employees will wear facial masks at all times.
  3. Hand washing or sanitizer will be used before interacting with each customer.
  4. Hand sanitizer will be available at the valet stand for use by customers.
  5. Valets have been advised to maintain public distancing when interacting with customers.
  6. To maintain social distancing, PCV will work with wait staff in order coordinate a smooth exit plan for guests (to minimize contact).

The safety of the customers and our employee is our fist concern. Please contact us if you have any questions or suggestions.

Pacific Coast Valet Inc.

    |       2526 S. Coast Hwy 101 Cardiff, CAmapLink    |    T 760-479-0721